
Showing posts from December, 2018

5 Common Problems with CPAP Machines

What is sleep apnoea? Obstructive sleep apnoea is a common sleep disorder which is characterized by the hindrance in normal respiratory functions. It generally occurs when the muscles of the throat relax and block the airway while sleeping. These muscles support the soft palate, the side walls and the tonsils. If left untreated, sleep apnoea can cause problems related to fatigue, hormonal imbalance, cardiovascular problems and long-term mood alteration. Here are the drawbacks of using Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine: 1.       Behavioural modification while using CPAP CPAP machines are highly invasive and require behavioural changes to be made for a good night’s sleep. Wearing a CPAP machine every night can affect the quality of sleep that the individual receives. Additionally, the lifestyle of the person must change long-term, owing to the daily wearing of the CPAP machine. Many medical equipment companies in India like Smart M...

Lesser know things about Lazy Eye Correction in Adults

Also known as Amblyopia, lazy eye is an eye defect commonly found in children. This leads to poor vision that cannot be rectified by wearing glasses or contact lenses. Since the defect arises when the brain does not develop properly and lacks the capability to see clearly, wearing just glasses is never sufficient. Binocular vision is the ability to see from both the eyes equally and combining the images in the brain for a better perception of depth. When people have poor binocular vision, the brain fails to combine the images that results in double images. This gradually affects the development of the eye and eventually leads to lazy eye. Lazy eye is treatable with the help of vision therapy, corrective lenses and patching. Although people believe that treating it is only possible in childhood, recent studies show that treating lazy eye in adults is also possible. The brain develops at any age if proper treatment is received. In this case, it needs to be re...

5 ways to Simplify Nasogastric Tube Usage

A nasogastric (NG) tube is a flexible plastic tube that is inserted via the nostrils, and goes down the nasopharynx, all the way into the stomach. The location and the correct installation of these tubes is confirmed with an X-ray before its usage. A commonly used nasogastric tube is Rylestube for feeding patients who cannot eat orally. Usage NG tubes are basically used for: 1.        Providing nutrients to the patient with the assistance of a feeding pump 2.        Removal of contents which are gastric in nature Procedure The tube is attached to the patient with the help of a nose clip, and it is then fastened to the patient’s garment to make sure that the tube is not removed accidentally. It is also done to avoid the tube from slipping into the lungs from the stomach area. There are many ways in which the usage of NG tubes can be simplified: 1.       Proper attachment Comfo...