Lesser know things about Lazy Eye Correction in Adults
Also known as Amblyopia, lazy eye is an eye defect commonly found in children. This leads to poor vision that cannot be rectified by wearing glasses or contact lenses. Since the defect arises when the brain does not develop properly and lacks the capability to see clearly, wearing just glasses is never sufficient.
Binocular vision is the ability to see from both the eyes equally and combining the images in the brain for a better perception of depth. When people have poor binocular vision, the brain fails to combine the images that results in double images. This gradually affects the development of the eye and eventually leads to lazy eye.
Lazy eye is treatable with the help of vision therapy, corrective lenses and patching. Although people believe that treating it is only possible in childhood, recent studies show that treating lazy eye in adults is also possible. The brain develops at any age if proper treatment is received. In this case, it needs to be retrained in binocular vision.
Symptoms of Lazy Eye in Adults
· - Double vision
· - Poor depth of field perception
· - Prone to headaches
· - One eye wanders inward or outward
· - Strain in the eyes
The person suffering from lazy faces issues like inability to throw or catch something, bumping into furniture frequently, unable to judge the distance between cars while driving, etc. The only way to diagnose lazy eye is through a functional vision exam. It includes a comprehensive assessment of visual information processing, binocular function and other visual skills.
Treatments for Lazy Eye in Adults
There are mainly three approaches for treating lazy eye in adults:
1. Vision Therapy – vision therapy is a non-surgical process for treating vision problems that are not treatable with spectacles, contact lenses or surgery alone. It includes a set of eye exercises that are designed to rectify certain vision problems. The main aim of vision therapy is to teach the brain and visual system to correct itself. Commitment to vision therapy gradually restores a person’s binocular vision.
2. Eye Patching: Wearing an eye patch is a very effective way to deal with lazy eye. A patch is worn to cover the eye with a clear vision. This puts more stress on the weaker eye that gradually increases its capability to see better than before. Doctors suggest keeping the patch on for at least 2 hours a day. Just like different IV cannula sizes are available, different sizes of eye patch are also available at Smart Medical Buyer.
3. Glasses: Doctors often prescribe glasses to rectify vision. Poor binocular vision is recognised as the root cause of lazy eye.
Lazy eye brings a lot of complications in life, especially in adults. Hence, we should take proper precautions to cure it. If you have lazy eye, start wearing eye patches for adults and visit a doctor as soon as possible.
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