
Types of gloves used in Medical Setup

If you are a medical field professional, you need to be very accurate about the protective measures you take; it doesn't matter which medical field you belong to. Hand gloves are one of the essential hospital supplies and play an important role in protecting your skin that comes in contact with healthcare stuff like blood, laboratory chemicals, any other hazardous material, and resistance to puncture since many professionals use needles scalpels, etc. Exam Gloves- Caregiving professionals in healthcare need to protect others as well as themselves from cross-contamination during their work. These gloves are useful when in unsanitary situations and need to be immediately disposed of after single use. These gloves are not the high-quality product material gloves and can be latex, nitrile, or vinyl purchased with employees' need of thickness level. Surgical Gloves- These are used mostly by surgeons and laboratory professionals dealing with blood, infection samples, scalpel...

Difference between Absorbable and Non-absorbable sutures

When wounds are too deep, they cannot heal fast and the chances of infection are high. To fasten the healing process and ensure that dirt or any bacteria does not get inside the wound, doctors have to close the wound. A suture is a very essential medical equipment used by doctors for closing wounds. While suturing a wound, a doctor uses a needle that is attached to a thread to stitch a wound. There are various types of surgical sutures available in the market. Depending on the condition of the wound, the doctor chooses the best-suited suture for the situation. Different Types of sutures available Sutures can be classified into many categories. While selecting the type of suture to close the wound, one of the first things a doctor has to decide is to choose between absorbable and nonabsorbable sutures. As the name suggests, absorbable sutures get absorbed in the skin and non-absorbable sutures do not. After suturing, your doctor does not have to remove absorbable sutures as they w...

Features of a PPE kit that make them indispensable for doctors

 We all have got used to a lot of new things and inclusions in our lives during coronavirus. Our regular lives changed, and the day-to-day things we thought would never be easy for us turned out to be the new normal. Words like home quarantine, masks, hand sanitizers, latex gloves, isolation, face shields, etc., got added to our dictionary and vocabulary.  Among all this one word you cannot miss out on, which became a lifeline for the medical professional, frontline workers, and all those who were helping out the needy. Personal protective equipment is the word and the weapon which was and is, being used to fight against the novel coronavirus. The purpose of these kits was to create a barrier between the infected person and the paramedical staff, doctors, etc. With the help of the PPE kit , the skin of the health warriors can't come in contact with the person infected or the surrounding where the virus could retain.  Features of PPE kits that make them indispensable for d...

5 benefits of using a nebulizer machine

 A nebulizer machine helps in making medicinal treatments easier by converting liquid medicine into a breathable mist. It works by expelling the medicated mist through an oxygen mask or a mouthpiece. If you frequently have a breathing problem or are prone to bouts of asthmatic attacks, a personal nebulizer is highly beneficial.  Functions:  It's an ideal device for patients suffering from chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, and other respiratory illnesses. It not only provides medication relief effectively but also helps in enhancing the natural function of the immune system, purifying the lungs, and keeping our skin moist. It is also useful in clearing the blockage of airways by dissolving the substance hindering it.  Fast relief:  One of the greatest benefits of using a nebulizer is that it offers faster relief. Timing is crucial when having breathing difficulties and every minute saved helps in reducing risk. Oral medicines take time to start working effe...

Home care guide for people in home isolation

  India is currently facing an onslaught from COVID-19, and the current surge is all the more reason why this guide is essential. And if that's not enough, India is also facing an oxygen shortage at the moment. And that's apart from the fact that the double mutant variant B.1.617.2, is highly contagious and deadly, which accounts for the 4k death rate per day in India. That's why these guidelines are important. In the event that either your loved ones or you are diagnosed with covid-19, you need to self-isolate the concerned individual right away. If you're planning to self-isolate your loved ones or yourself at home - kindly follow these precautions as your life may well depend on it.   Guide to self-isolation ●        It is important that you monitor your health and that of your loved ones. A clinical thermometer should come in handy as you can use one to check the body temperature each day. Once all the signs are there, you need to obt...

Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure

  When a human heart beats, it pumps blood into the rest of the body through blood vessels. While pumping blood, there is a force created on the vessel walls – this is called blood pressure. Though blood pressure can vary throughout the day, most doctors consider a systolic reading of below 90 mm Hg or a diastolic reading of less than 60 mm Hg as below normal. Low blood pressure is also known as hypotension. When low blood pressure is experienced, there is a reduced supply of blood to vital organs such as the kidney, brain and heart. Chronic low blood pressure can be considered dangerous if particular symptoms accompany it. Some signs to look out for are: Dizziness, Light-headedness or Feeling Faint A moderate bout of low blood pressure can cause dizziness or light-headedness, which could cause a risk of injury from a fall.    Nausea Most people who have low blood pressure show no symptoms. If nausea is being experienced frequently or at regular intervals, get your b...

Types of Thermometer and Their Accuracy

  There are various types of thermometers used in the medical field. Let us examine some of them today.   Digital Touch Thermometer  Digital touch thermometers determine body temperature using heat sensors. We can use them orally, under the armpits, or up the rectum. Note that taking oral temperatures as the base, such a  digital thermometer  gives a reading half a degree lower in the armpits and half a degree higher in the rectum when measured in Celsius. They give accurate readings in less than a minute.   Oral Thermometer  Oral thermometers are those that work only when placed in the mouth under the tongue. They can be both digital and analog (mercury). The average body temperature varies from 36.1 to 37.2 degrees Celsius. Oral readings are generally very accurate, and we can use them for anyone above the age of three.    Digital Tympanic Thermometer Tympanic or ear thermometers measure the temperature through the ear canal. Th...