Difference between Absorbable and Non-absorbable sutures
When wounds are too deep, they cannot heal fast and the chances of infection are high. To fasten the healing process and ensure that dirt or any bacteria does not get inside the wound, doctors have to close the wound. A suture is a very essential medical equipment used by doctors for closing wounds. While suturing a wound, a doctor uses a needle that is attached to a thread to stitch a wound. There are various types of surgical sutures available in the market. Depending on the condition of the wound, the doctor chooses the best-suited suture for the situation.
Types of sutures available
Sutures can be classified into many categories.
While selecting the type of suture to close the wound, one of the first things
a doctor has to decide is to choose between absorbable and nonabsorbable
sutures. As the name suggests, absorbable sutures get absorbed in the skin and
non-absorbable sutures do not. After suturing, your doctor does not have to
remove absorbable sutures as
they will get absorbed by the tissue enzymes. Nonabsorbable sutures do not get
absorbed and have to be removed by the doctor at a later date. If required, it
can be left permanently as well.
Besides absorbable and non-absorbable sutures,
sutures can be distinguished depending on the materials’ actual structure.
Sutures that consist of just one thread are called monofilament sutures. This
type of suture is used when the thread needs to pass through tissues more
easily. On the other hand, braided sutures consist of many small threads
braided together. When better security is required, this type of suture is used
for closing a wound. However, using this suture can increase the chances of
Sutures can be classified depending on the material
used as well. It is either made of natural or synthetic material. However, both
materials are properly sterilised before use and hence, this distinction is not
particularly useful.
Types of absorbable sutures
Gut - Gut
is a monofilament suture that is made of natural materials. It is used for
closing lacerations or wounds on your internal soft tissues. Doctors never use
this thread while performing neurological and cardiovascular procedures. There
is a high chance that your body can react to this suture and it may leave
behind a scar as well. Mostly, this type of suture is used in gynecological
(PDS) - It is a synthetic monofilament suture. Doctors use it to stitch soft
tissue wounds.
● Polyglactin (Vicryl) - It is a braided suture made
of synthetic material. Doctors use it to stitch hand and facial lacerations and
always avoid it during cardiovascular and neurological procedures.
Types of non-absorbable sutures
Nylon - It
is a monofilament suture made of natural material
(Prolene) - It is a monofilament suture made of synthetic material.
Silk - It
is a braided suture made of natural material.
● Polyester (Ethibond) - It is a braided suture made
of synthetic material.
If you need to buy surgical sutures like polyglycolic acid sutures, always buy from trusted sellers like
Smart Medical Buyer.
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