
Showing posts from March, 2021

10 Lifestyle Changes for Those with High Blood Pressure

If you have just received news that your blood pressure is high, it might be time to make some immediate lifestyle changes. Here are ten of the healthy lifestyle methods you need to follow to keep your blood pressure in check. Weight Loss Blood pressure is directly linked to obesity. The more your weight, the higher your chances of high blood pressure. Being overweight also is a contributing factor to sleep apnea, which can further raise your blood pressure. Losing 1 kg of weight can lead to a decrease in 1mm Hg of blood pressure. Regular Exercise Thirty minutes of daily exercising can reduce your blood pressure by 5-8 mm Hg. However, physical activities need to be regular to have effect. Stopping the activities can lead to an increase in blood pressure again. Healthy Diet Follow the DASH diet. DASH is an acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Your diet should contain whole grains, fruits, vegetables. Dairy products should be low fat which have l...

Care and Maintenance Tips for Your Ophthalmoscope

  A direct ophthalmoscope is an essential item used by doctors to see inside the fundus of a patient’s eye. The general construction The ophthalmoscope consists of a handle and a head. The handle contains the batteries and the head is often designed as a detachable addition. The head includes a bulb, a set of apertures for the light and a set of lenses. The magnified view provided by an ophthalmoscope is about fifteen times larger. Light from a bulb is reflected at ninety degrees and projected onto the iris as a spot. This allows the illumination of the retina. The reflection is achieved with the help of a mirror or a prism. The user of the ophthalmoscope can then study the illuminated retina. An ophthalmoscope can be adjusted according to the need. A disc on the head contains lenses of different powers and can be adjusted according to the patient. There is a reflecting prism just above the mirror, which is where the user has to focus. Many, though not all, ophthalmoscopes...

Essential protective gear while stepping out during COVID-19

  The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live our lives, work, and socialise. Protecting ourselves from the virus has become imperative. The only way to remain protected even as offices, schools, colleges, malls, and other institutions open up is to use essential protective gear. ·         Face mask – Face masks are possibly the most important protective gear that you will need when you step out. In fact, most shops, institutions, airlines, cabs etc. have made face masks mandatory for everyone.   The face mask should cover your nose and mouth preventing any infection from droplets when you speak, cough, or sneeze. While single-use disposable face masks are preferable, any mask with two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric also offers adequate protection. If you wear a reusable or washable mask, it is important that it be washed in detergent and dried in sunlight before you use it again. ·      ...