
Showing posts from April, 2019

Nebulization Therapy: Dos And Don’ts

A nebulizer is one of the major medical equipment that converts liquid medicine into tiny droplets (preferably in aerosol or mist form) and this is inhaled with a mouthpiece or a mask. Nebulizers are usually used with infants or patients suffering from cold or the issue of sinusitis.    A nebulizer machine is powered with a compressed machine which is plugged into an electric outlet. Many doctors recommend using a nebulizer instead of a regular inhaler because it yields better results.  How to use a nebulizer?  A nebulizer is mainly used in situations when a patient is suffering from a cold, cough, bronchitis, or any sort of breathing issue. One has to breathe through their mouth using a flask or the mask so that the entire nasal passage is cleared out. The patient inhales the drug during this process which gets absorbed by the nasal lining and some of it also reaches the lungs for healing. We suggest you buying the drugs from Ethicon as they offer high-...

A Healthcare Revolution Worth It: Disposable Gloves

One of the most commonly used medical safety products is disposable gloves or medical gloves. Worn by surgeons, doctors, caregivers, dentists, nurses and all other medical professionals to avoid cross-contamination and handle various sensitive things, disposable gloves have become fundamental to the clinical practice. There are two main kinds of disposable gloves used in the healthcare sector, namely exam gloves and surgical gloves. While exam gloves are mostly worn by caregivers during exam procedures, surgical gloves are worn by surgeons during surgeries to prevent cross-contamination. Most surgeons prefer Matig gloves as they are made of high-quality materials. History The year 1890 witnessed the advent of one of the most innovative developments in the field of medical science – Medical Gloves. First introduced by Dr. William Stewart Halsted who was a surgeon-in-chief at Johns Hopkins University at that time, the evolution of disposable gloves is remarkable.   That was...

12 ways to properly dress a wound

Most of us learn about making a first aid kit at the age of 10 or 12 roughly and the very first thing we learn about giving first aid to someone is how to dress a wound. Dressing a wound or changing the bandages isn’t a difficult task but when the injury is a bit complicated then one has to pay a little extra attention. Wounds caused due to a gunshot, fatal animal attack, or a car accident may even require you to buy primapore and special kind of bandages. Whether it is a small wound or a complicated one, one should know how to meticulously dress the wound so that it does not catch infections. There are many things that one may not be aware of when it comes to dressing a wound properly. Even if you are thoroughly trained in this practice, we would like to enunciate some important points that might help you: 1.        The very first thing one must do while dressing the wounds is wearing medical gloves. This will keep the wound a...