Features of a PPE kit that make them indispensable for doctors
We all have got used to a lot of new things and inclusions in our lives during coronavirus. Our regular lives changed, and the day-to-day things we thought would never be easy for us turned out to be the new normal. Words like home quarantine, masks, hand sanitizers, latex gloves, isolation, face shields, etc., got added to our dictionary and vocabulary. Among all this one word you cannot miss out on, which became a lifeline for the medical professional, frontline workers, and all those who were helping out the needy. Personal protective equipment is the word and the weapon which was and is, being used to fight against the novel coronavirus. The purpose of these kits was to create a barrier between the infected person and the paramedical staff, doctors, etc. With the help of the PPE kit , the skin of the health warriors can't come in contact with the person infected or the surrounding where the virus could retain. Features of PPE kits that make them indispensable for d...